Citizenship and Democratic Participation

“Mankind is divided into three classes: those who are Immovable, those that are Movable, and those that Move

Why this project?

Recent months have seen an increase on new non–conventional approaches to participation of young people in the public sphere. These changes have been often leading to creative transformations and socio–political transitions in a number of countries in our environment. In some cases these changes have not fully succeeded and their transforming spirit has gone lost.

This project wants to explore how youth work is capable to support the development of competences leading to a greater human autonomy and critical thinking as basis for full citizenship.

How will we do it?

The process includes a preparation phase (finished), two training courses, a practical phase with local projects developed by participants and a final follow–up phase. Training courses will use a combination of non–formal education methodological approaches, experiential learning and the input of practitioners in their youth work practice. On the project phase, participants will develop local activities with the support of partners and a team of trainers. The last phase will be focused on planning and developing future follow–up activities.

Who will attend?

The Mid term project will bring together twenty–four experienced youth leaders, trainers and educators (in formal or/and non formal sectors) to develop their competences promoting inclusive democratic participation through youth work.

These multipliers from 20 different countries are agents of change in their communities and are engaged in building bridges among communities across the Euromediterranean region.

What we expect to achieve

  • To develop Youth Work competences central to active citizenship based on inclusive democratic participation in the public sphere
  • To introduce and promote Education for Democratic Citizenship and Non–formal education methodological approaches to Youth Work
  • To promote inclusive and democratic participation of young people at local, regional and national levels
  • To experience Non Formal Education methodologies and methods fostering personal and community autonomy, sense of responsability and critical thinking
  • To explore the possibilities and the limits of social media as participation tools and intra- and inter–community interaction