Experiential Learning: From frustration to action

Thinking about what to transfer from our experiental learning event to our realities of project work we could identify several points, who had one thing in common: They caused frustration. So we were thinking of how to turn the negative feeling of frustration into constructive action, starting at the beginning:

BEFORE starting an action it is very important to inform about all aspects:

  • Defining the all duties, tasks, next steps
  • gather all information about the capabilities, experiences, interests and skills of the participants in order to develop a working division of responisibilities and tasks.
  • Group division according to capabilities and preferences.

Frustration during experiental learning may lead to a higher motivation to take initiative and to challenge yourself more in the future.

Taking initiative and contributing to the common interests is a necessary to be an active citizen.

The leader should be a moderator/facilitator of the decision making process, because not making decisions together leads to frustration.

George, Tina, Tiziano

4 Responses to Experiential Learning: From frustration to action

  1. Citizenship says:

    We found the link of this post with one of the dilemma we analyzed on the first day: Do you have the right of blaming your government if you decided not to vote during the elections?

  2. Citizenship says:

    Like said in the previous comment, we found a link about this dilemma the first day: do you have the right of blaming your governement if you decided not to vote during the elections?

    But the more important it’s to say that when we asked this question at the group, a majority of the groupe said: yes of course! we have still the right to blaming same if we didn’t take part at the election because we are citizen. But during the game, when some people complaint after didn’t take part at the process of mapping for hiking, the reaction was different. People who participated at the decision answered: why you are compalined now, if you didn’t take part at the procees?

    So it’s looking like a confusion between the first day and the reality during our challenge (same if it’s not exactly like a government and vote).

  3. Citizenship says:

    This ambivalence actually shows for me that it is a right dilemma. I still would say that it is a right in democracy not to vote if there are no options for you to vote. You may even complain as much as you like (democracy should be capable to stand that), but you could also ask yourself at a certain point if you want to continue complaining while waiting for someone to put your ideas into practice or whether you take the initiative yourself.
    But I also can completely understand where this ‘change of opinion’ came, when theory met the reality. Frustration could occur on both sides: The sides of those that took initiative and where blamed for it later – by those who didn’t and felt frustrated because they were not part of the process. (Tina)

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