More Than a Hike

decision making using outdoor learning


Our experience in multitask hiking give us how to take decision in stress full moment.

After 5 kilometer walking and caring heavy bag in the dark night, we were a group of seven people, who we don’t know each other so much,

Some of the group are sleepy and tired, some other did get used of this experience before ,

Most of us we are not so ready to do this experience, this mean we are in stressful situation,

Some of us start to look at first time to map, some others search some signal and understand signals and arrows

It’s completry task , we bring the maximum of information,  and we analyze  and discuss about about the possible the path we could pass in it ;

After a half a hour of discussion we take decision to go the white path

From this experimental exercise we understand how important that outdoor learning can help us to know the decision making process can be




According to our experience of hiking and and the multi tasks we had to do ,  it is always be good in the happy and good time , but it when it comes to the stressful time and being lost in the forest , and and don’t know about the directions . here the beneficial time become to give all of us something to learn all of our life about participation , leadership m decision-making .

What Experience did we had and what we learnt it I really interesting to share , we realized that people are divided into four groups according to their participation .

–          Active Participants

–          Challenging participants

–          Non-challenging participants

–          Passive participants

Active Participants: Participants who are always taking initiative to start the task and be the first to tink and act

Challenging Participants: Participants which love to take initiative and role but when they face difficulties and barriers no matter what it is they overcomes these barriers and continue working

Non-challenging participants: Participants which is really interested in taking initiative but when they face difficulties they give up and always find excuses for giving up

Passive participants: participants which they need someone to involve them in making tasks and sometime they are followers

So according to what we learnt and the experience we had if you didn’t participate and say your opinions and your needs , how it will be taken in consideration ? , So participation is not only about helping or being present but also about having role in decision-making taking in consideration people needs , culture background , emotions , caring about the others , balance between personal interests and other group interests m but when it comes to reality of participation in society it will not be that easy sweet thing to participate and taking initiative and your voice to be heard m you have to ask about it to have it .

P.S : Take in consideration that this analyze was based according to my personal background of experience and maybe it will not be that hard to participate in other society



“Many Activities And Team-Playing Will Give You a Training That Will Prove Invaluable Later on In Life  “ Walter Annenberg

Taking initiative



it always happens when during discussion people can’t decide what to do or because of democratic voting which can’t help in solution making

And of course when there is no solution of a problem in a group, initiative becomes a leadership and initiator- leader.

Leader shouldn’t always be right. Firstly he has ideas and at least one solution because people sometimes without voting agree with him and following so it’s normally that we lost in the forest.

Finally we mustn’t accuse other that happened because of us.


Kadry , Jolanda , Abdou

2 Responses to More Than a Hike

  1. xavierbaro says:

    What do you mean “Leader shouldn’t always be right”?

  2. xavierbaro says:

    Explanation from Jolanta:
    Leaders are not always right, the decisions should be discussed with the group (society). Everybody needs to have its own opinion, too.

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